Dear Vanza Bhandus
Jai Shree Krishna and Jai Gopal
With the blessings from Hingraj Mataji, Vanza Community of South London invites you all to our annual Samuh Bhajan to be held on:
Sunday 7th April 2024 from 2.00pm
At Norbury High School for Girls, Kensington Avenue,
Thornton Heath. Surrey CR7 8BT
Live Bhajan’s by Nitu Shah
Samuh Bhajan 2023 was a thoroughly memorable experience, and we hope that this year you will continue to support us both financially and attending in person to make this an event to be equally memorable.
To promote more environmentally friendly communications we will be sending messages to our community by email and/or WhatsApp thereby reducing paper waste. Please send us your email address and mobile number to the email below.
On a final note, the success of our Samuh Bhajan is only possible with your charitable sponsorship or any donations towards this event. The Trustees of VCSL will appreciate your contribution. Bank details are:
NatWest Bank, Sort Code 60-15-03, A/C no. 57262675
We humbly request our apologies in advance if there are any errors in our Pitru Presentation at the Samuh Bhajan. If any amendments are required please email ( the committee with any issues and we will amend it for next year’s presentation.
Jai Gopal,
Deven Jethwa, Chairperson